The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that about 1.7 million children under the age of five die as a result of environmental pollution every year. These conditions have been analyzed and found to result not only from pollution incidences and accidents, but also from long periods of oblivious exposure to the toxic substances released during the accidents. The Minamata, Bhopal and Chernobyl disasters are examples of accidents that still exert fatal consequences on their respective environments.
In 2010, a group of local miners accidentally leaked lead into the environs of Zamfara state in Northern Nigeria. Ever since the accident, over 400 children have lost their lives as a result of lead poisoning. One woman that was interviewed narrated with sadness how she had lost all three of her children as a result of the poisoning. This woman’s children could have survived if there was a timely and adequate response from the Nigerian government. However, this incident is only one out of a countless number of cases where children die from the consequences of various degrees of environmental pollution and their governments either neglect the incidences or intervene when harm has already been done to a good number of them. The Human Rights Watch has recorded on many cases how governments fail to rescue children exposed to pollution resulting from various industrial activities and eventually, the death of those children.
In addition to the meetings scheduled by the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA) in Africa to deliberate on pollution reduction, they should also help to direct governments in monitoring the health conditions of children in their nations and making industries responsible for their wastes and its disposal; explore effective means of pollution prevention by making necessary information on pollution available to the public; and carry out periodic assessment of the impacts of pollution on citizens as well as respective government efforts in curbing pollution.
A form of human trafficking that involves transiting people against their wish to places unknown to them where they would be sexually exploited is known as sex trafficking. Sexual slavery involves taking sexual advantage of a person or group of people against their will while leaving them with fear, emotional trauma and anger. Having being in existence for a very long time, it takes many forms such as child pornography and underage prostitution.
An overwhelming number of online platforms are involved in the execution of the buying and selling of unsuspecting victims for sexual exploitations every day. Of the victims of these inhumane activities, homeless children and poor refuges are the most vulnerable.
The most devastating problem with sexual slavery is that a large portion of human population is still very much ignorant about the subject. The objective of our foundation therefore entails creating broad awareness on sexual slavery especially to the vulnerable population; protecting children from all forms of sexual abuse and helping victims live through the experience. We help ensure that victims don’t get victimized again by providing care and shelter for homeless children and those that are able to escape from sexual slavery. We also provide them with psychological and medical care in order to deal with any kind of medical or emotional problems they might have developed in the process.
With adequate support from you, we look forward to providing a safe and more secure environment for every child so that none of them ever falls victim to sex traffickers.