Vanya Sadov

Let us help Vanya!

$0 of $2,360 raised

Vanya is 7 years old and literally from the first months of his life he has been seen by doctors, and registered with a neurologist. His diagnosis: atypical childhood autism with underdevelopment of cognitive functions.

Vanya underwent a course of microcurrent reflexology with the use of the device “MEKS”, studied with a speech therapist and a psychologist. As a result of the treatment, the child’s condition began to improve, he became more calm, assiduous. His concentration and cognitive function  improved!

To improve the condition of Vanya, it is necessary to continue the treatment, namely:

Continue the course of microcurrent reflexology using the “MEKS” device.

Vanya needs speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist and he also needs to take special massage procedures.

Vanya’s family really wants to continue treatment, but the amount is too large and her family can not afford it. Let’s be human and help!


Vanya Sadov, 7 years
City: Azov
Required amount: 156240 rub. ($2,360)

Personal Info

Donation Total: $20.00